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Full text of "On a new theory of nervous action as regards the transmission of sensation along the nerves"

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BY  ROBERT  M‘ DONNELL,  M.  D.,  F.  R.  S. 


[Read  before  the  Royal  Irish  Academy,  May  23,  1870.] 

1 large  number  of  facts  have  of  late  years  been  observed,  tending  to 
how  that  what  has  hitherto  been  regarded  as  the  sense  of  touch  is  ca- 
pable of  being  resolved  into  a number  of  comparatively  elementary  sen- 
sations, as  those  of  temperature,  contact,  tickling,  pain,  &c. 

Many  cases  have  likewise  been  observed  in  which  some  of  these 
: ensations  are  felt,  while  others  cease  to  be  perceived  by  the  patient. 
Thus  the  individual  may  feel  perfectly  the  contact  of  the  hand,  when 
ightly  rubbed  over  the  surface,  yet  not  be  able  to  distinguish  heat  from 
old,  or  vice  versd. 

Analogous  phenomena  are  observed  with  regard  to  the  other  senses, 
:s  in  cases  of  colour  blindness,  absence  of  ear,  or  inability  to  hear  par- 
icular  notes,  &c. 

In  explanation  of  these  and  other  kindred  phenomena,  it  has  been 
:upposed  that  there  exist  in  every  nerve  groups  of  distinct  conductors, 
iach  adapted  to  convey  along  it  distinct  nervous  impressions. 

This  hypothesis  is  indeed  that  which  is  at  the  present  time  adopted 
py.phyeiologists,  and  it  numbers  among  its  supporters  the  most  distin- 
guished philosophers. 

Dr.  Brown-Sequard  conceives  “that  he  has  ascertained  that,  beside 
he  four  distinct  kinds  of  nerve  fibres  of  the  higher  senses,  there  are  at 
(‘■east  eleven  kinds  of  nerve  fibres  in  the  spinal  cord,  and  in  the  cranial, 

I pinal,  and  sympathetic  nerves.’’ 


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He  enumerates  these  eleven  kinds  as  follows 

1 st.  Conductors  of  impressions  of  touch. 




5th.  _ „ 

6th.  Incito-motor  conductors. 

7th.  Incito-nutritive  and  secretory  conductors. 
8th.  Voluntary  motor  conductors. 

9th.  Involuntary  motor  conductors. 

10th.  Vaso-motor  conductors. 

11th.  Nutritive  and  secretory  conductors. 

of  tickling, 
of  pain. 

of  temperature, 
of  muscular  contraction. 

“ I hardly  need  say,”  he  adds,  “that  the  number  of  functionally  dis- 
tinct nerve  fibres  is  probably  much  greater  than  is  shown  in  this 

As  regards  the  physiology  of  sensations  of  colour,  a theory  so  closely 
analogous  as  indeed  to  be  identical  with  reference  to  the  sense  of  vision 
was  put  forward  by  Thomas  Young,  at  the  commencement  of  this  cen- 
tury. He  supposed  three  sorts  of  conductors  to  exist  in  the  optic  nerve, 
each  specially  charged  with  the  function  of  conducting  a different  colour, 
red,  green,  and  violet.  The  mixture  of  these  three  colours  in  different 
proportions  gave  rise  to  all  the  other  colours  of  the  spectrum. 

This  hypothesis  of  Young  has,  with  some  modifications  as  to  the 
colours,  found  a zealous  advocate  in  the  distinguished  Professor  Helm- 

It  is  not  necessary  for  my  purpose  to  enumerate  the  various  theories 
which  have  been  advanced  in  explanation  of  the  various  phenomena  to 
which  1 have  just  alluded.  Suffice  it  to  say  that  I have  long  felt  that 
the  ingenious  idea  of  distinct  conductor's  did  not  exactly  meet  the  case. 
So  long  ago  as  in  1861,  in  a critique  on  Dr.  Brown-  Sequard’s  work  in 
which  his  theory  was  first  put  forward,  I expressed  the  opinion  that  we 
could  hardly  accept  the  idea  “ that  the  nerve  fibres  employed  in  the  trans- 
mission of  sensitive  impressions  of  touch , tickling,  pain,  &c.,  are  as  dis- 
tinct one  from  the  other  as  they  all  are,  from  the  nerve  fibres  employed 
in  the  transmissions  of  the  orders  of  the  will  to  the  muscles.” 

The  theory  which  I venture  to  propose,  and  which  I put  forward 
with  diffidence  when  I consider  that  another  has  been  advocated  by 
such  able  physiologists  as  Helmholtz  and  Brown-Sequard,  is  simply  an 
application  of  the  theory  of  wave  propagation  to  the  passage  of  various 
sensations  along  nerve  conductors. 

I conceive  that  the  various  peripheral  expansions  of  sensitive  nerves 
take  up  undulations  or  vibrations,  and  convert  them  into  waves  capable 
of  being  propagated  along  nervous  tissue  (neuricity,  as  it  has  been 
named).  Thus,  the  same  nerve  tubule  may  be  able  to  transmit  along 
it  vibrations  differing  in  character,  and  hence,  giving  rise  to  different 
sensations ; and,  consequently,  the  same  nerve  tubule  may,  in  its  normal 

( 3 ) 

condition,  transmit  the  wave  which  produces  the  idea  of  simple  contact, 
or  that  which  produces  the  idea  of  heat — or,  again,  the  same  nerve 
tubules  in  the  optic  nerve  which  propagate  the  undulations  of  red  may 
also  propagate,  in  normal  vision,  those  which  excite  the  idea  of  yellow 
or  blue,  and  so  for  other  senses. 

I advocate  this  undulatory  theory  of  sensation  in  preference  to  the 
theory  of  distinct  conductors — 

lstly.  because  it  is  simple. 

2ndly.  Because  it  is  strongly  supported  by  analogy,  when  compared 
with  wave  propagations  in  other  departments  of  science. 

3rdly.  Because  it  appears  to  be  in  harmony  with  a large  number 
of  recognized  physiological  facts,  which  seem  inexplicable 
upon  the  theory  of  distinct  conductors. 

It  would  be  obviously  impossible,  within  the  limits  of  one  com- 
munication, to  discuss  such  a theory  in  its  application  to  the  various 
senses.  I wish  merely  to  bring  before  the  Academy,  at  present,  a 
general  statement  of  the  grounds  upon  which  this  hypothesis  rests ; and 
I shall  hope,  hereafter,  in  several  communications,  to  elucidate  its 
applicability  to  the  transmission  of  the  sensations  peculiar  to  each  special 

1st.  When  compared  with  the  theory  of  distinct  conductors,  the 
undulatory  theory  is  obviously  simpler  as  regards  anatomical  detail. 
Anatomy  has  not  given  any  evidence  that  with  an  ordinary  compound 
nerve  there  exist  different  kinds  of  conductors — to  the  highest  powers  of 
the  microscope  all  such  tubules  are  identical  in  appearance.  A ay  more, 
we  now  know  that  nerves  may  be  so  spliced  (if  I may  use  the  expres- 
sion) onto  one  another,  that  sensitive  nerves  may  be  made  continuous 
with  those  wliich  convey  the  commands  of  the  will  to  muscles. 

As  regards  the  analogy  between  this  theory  of  nerve  action  and 
the  wave  theory  of  light,  I do  not  pretend  to  say  that  it  holds  in  every 
respect : there  are  obvious  points  of  difference.  If  we  infer  that  light 
and  heat  do  not  consist  of  particles  emitted  by  a hot  body,  our  natural 
alternative  is  to  suppose  that  they  are  undulations  of  a medium  per- 
vading space.  This  hypothesis  furnishes  by  far  the  best  explanation 
of  many  very  curious  phenomena  in  light  and  heat,  and  is  now  generally 
received.  This  medium,  which  we  suppose  to  pervade  space  likewise, 
with  more  or  less  freedom,  pervades  transparent  and  diatliermanous 
bodies ; but  nerve  tissue  being  neither  transparent  nor  diathermanous, 
it  is  not  to  be  conceived  that  the  undulations  of  this  medium  are  trans- 
mitted along  nerve  tissue,  as  if  through  glass  or  rock  salt : on  the  con- 
trary, the  vibrations  of  light  and  heat  are  transferred  from  the  medium 
in  question  to  the  axis  cylinder  of  the  nerve  tubule  in  a form  capable 
of  being  propagated  to  the  sensorium. 

As  I conceive,  the  analogy  lies  chiefly  in  this : — as  we  know,  various 
solid  and  liquid  bodies  exercise  a selective  absorption  both  for  heat  and 
light,  in  virtue  of  whiclpcertain  rays  are  set  apart  to  be  stopped,  while 
• certain  others  are  allowed  to  proceed ; after  an  analogous  fashion, 
certain  nerves  exercise  a so-called  selective  power,  permitting  certain 

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undulations  to  proceed,  while  those  of  a different  wave  length  are  in- 
tercepted. Most  substances,  including  those  that  are  transparent  for 
light,  are  generally  opaque  for  dark  heat  of  great  wave  length  and 
small  refrangibility.  So  we  have  no  reason  to  think  that  heat  can 
excite  in  the  retina  undulations  capable  of  being  propagated  by  the 
optic  nerve  to  the  sensorium,  although  light  certainly  does  so. 

Instead  of  supposing,  like  Dr.  Brown-Sequard,  that  there  exist  a 
great  number  of  distinct  conductors,  I should  suppose  that  there  are  a 
great  number  of  distinct  sensations  propagated  along  the  nerve  tubules, 
in  undulations  of  different  wave  lengths. 

As  the  rays  of  the  heat,  light,  and  actinic  spectra  differ  in  refran- 
gibility, so  do  the  undulations  produced  by  heat,  cold,  pain,  tickling, 
or  the  unfelt  sensations  (if  I may  use  the  phrase), — which  last  cor- 
respond to  the  invisible  and  cold  actinic  rays. 

As  in  the  economy  of  nature  tire  actinic  rays  play  a part  of  vast 
importance,  so  these  vibrations,  which  play  along  our  nerves,  without 
our  knowing  it,,  are  all  important  in  the  animal  economy. 

The  unfelt  tickling,  which  keeps  the  heart  in  regular  and  ceaseless 
action  during  life,  is  not  less  important  to  man  than  that  part  of  the 
sunbeam  which  we  cannot  see,  nor  yet  feel  the  warmth  of,  is  in  the 
economy  of  nature. 

Many  phenomena  such  as  those  connected  with  seeing  comple- 
mentary colours,  when  a white  surface  is  gazed  at,  after  the  eyes  have 
been  fixed  upon  a blue,  red,  or  yellow  disc ; the  phenomena,  connected 
with  peculiar  colour,  seen  after  the  administration  of  santoniue  ; the 
effects  of  lead  poisoning  upon  sensation,  &c.,  &c.,  are  more  easily  ex- 
plicable upon  the  undulatory  than  upon  any  other  hypothesis  of  sen- 

The  author  concluded  by  referring  to  the  well-known  experiments  of 
Professor  Tyndall,  showing  the  power  of  absorption  of  vapours  and 
scents,  of  which  minute  quantities  are  introduced  iuto  dry  air  filling 
a glass  tube.  In  these  experiments  a physical  change  of  almost  incon- 
ceivable subtlety  is  followed  by  the  interception  of  waves  of  radiant 
heat.  So  with  a nerve  tubule — a minute  quantity,  suppose,  of  santo- 
nine,  entering  into  the  axis  cylinder  of  the  optic  nerve  tubules  (as  the 
scent  in  the  air  filling  the  glass  tube),  intercepts  some  light  waves  of  a 
certain  refrangibility  ; and  the  result  is,  that  all  objects  looked  upon 
have  their  natural  colour,  minus  the  intercepted  undulations.  This 
analogy  serves  to  explain  the  general  bearing  of  this  hypothesis.